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After suspending development in 2024, People Can Fly brings Project Victoria back to life as survival-extraction shooter Lost Rift

Just a few months after People Can Fly announced the suspension of work on Project Victoria, it's sprung back to life as Lost Rift, a survival shooter that blends solo or co-op PvE gameplay and base-building with "intense PvPvE expeditions" across a mysterious archipelago of islands.

Revealed during today's Future Games Show Spring Showcase, Lost Rift will launch into early access with "several hours" of gameplay that will challenge players to explore and uncover the mysteries of the islands amidst an "impactful dynamic weather system." The PvE survival gameplay will be blended with the PvPvE expeditions in which players compete for "the most sought-after loot," solo or in groups of up to four, and with support for dedicated servers.

Creative director Laurent Malville said the early access version of Lost Rift "has a good foundation," and that the studio is "thrilled to invite players to join us in shaping the game's evolution."

"With Lost Rift, we wanted to prove that even without direct external investment, People Can Fly can bring an innovative survival game forward," People Can Fly's Alexander Stokes said. "People Can Fly has a long history in action and shooter games, so survival was new territory for us. The team has created a concept that brings a new type of survival game to players."

There's not a whole lot to go on, and the extraction game subgenre is pretty crowded already, but I do hope it works out for People Can Fly. I've had kind of a soft spot for the studio ever since Painkiller in 2004, but it's had a rough run of luck in recent years. The 2021 shooter Outriders didn't really catch fire despite showing real promise, and more recently the studio has laid off employees and halted work on a number of projects in the face of "external market pressures."

A release date for Lost Rift hasn't been announced, but you can wishlist it now on Steam.

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(Image credit: People Can Fly)
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(Image credit: People Can Fly)
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(Image credit: People Can Fly)
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(Image credit: People Can Fly)
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(Image credit: People Can Fly)

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