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Monster Hunter Wilds' first free update will feature 'a whole host of new additions' and a majestic water wyvern for players to blow sky high

The promise of any Monster Hunter game is twofold—there’s gonna be a ton of meticulously designed titans on offer, and you’re gonna get to smack the nuggets out of them with all sorts of guns, clubs, and musical instruments. I can’t help but feel a little bad, then, when a teaser like the one Capcom dropped today gets players riled up about the reintroduction of a beautiful fox dragon that blows bubbles. I feel like I should be offering it half my harvest, not shooting it with the biggest gun I’ve ever seen.

Regardless, Mizutsune’s reprisal in Monster Hunter is a welcome one, as its graceful, bewitching fighting style will be a mite easier on the eyes than the likes of that monkey who farts mustard gas. Mizutsune appeared in both Monster Hunter Rise and Monster Hunter Stories 2, and its arrival was foretold by the update roadmap, so this won’t be a huge surprise to players. Still, an up-close-and-personal look at that 3D model in motion promises it’s on par with the game’s other highly-detailed leviathans.

(Image credit: Capcom)

We don’t know a ton about the monster’s specific implementation in Wilds just yet—history would suggest there will be some bubble blowing and immobilizing secretions involved—but players won’t be waiting too much longer to learn more. On March 25, only four days after this teaser dropped, producer Ryozo Tsujimoto will "take the wraps off" the game’s first major free update, which comes bearing not only Mizutsune but "a whole host of other new additions," according to the trailer’s description.

That showcase, which debuts at 7 am PT/2 pm GMT, promises to give a better idea of the update’s scope. Regardless, it’s a momentous time for Monster Hunter, which continues to enjoy its meteoric rise to PC domination and comfortably hold its spot as one of the most played games on the platform. This is all despite some pretty cutting performance issues which continue to harry players get their hunt on, so here’s hoping the title update will address some of those issues.

If you’re looking to hunt some monsters in these wilds, Monster Hunter Wilds is available on Steam.

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