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Wreckfest 2 has hit early access for your car-obliterating combat racing enjoyment

Last August I came before you to announce, gleefully, that Wreckfest 2 was on the way. Now I say to you that Wreckfest 2 is here. In early access, at least, you can take developer Bugbear's sequel to the beloved car-smashing destruction derby/battle race game for a spin.

The launch includes single and multiplayer racing with up to 24 players and bots, three courses, five tracks among those courses, a remake of the Wreckfest sandpit map, and a big ol' chaotic sandbox test map. You can drive two American-style muscle cars, an '80s compact Euro car, and a '90s US-style beat up banger car. You can also do some basic paint customizing in the garage (for you to then absolutely ruin).

Above all, though, I have to say that I love the approach to an early access launch trailer that Wreckfest 2 has taken. They take a real proper, honest approach: This is a game that's not done. It's going to break and crash. Also, it's a game about literal crashes, and that's just comedy gold, folks. It's especially effective when they show off the greybox-style sandbox area.

The trailer also highlights the biggest feature of Wreckfest 2: Its impressive new physics and destruction features. Cars in Wreckfest 2 take almost shockingly-specific damage as bits and pieces fall off, frames and panels bend, tires collapse, wheel rims spit sparks against the road, and more. More like, specifically, the physics of car suspension and drivers getting thrown wildly around.

Bugbear says that the first update for Wreckfest 2 will come in May and include two new tracks and two new cars. The final release, when that comes in the future, will have a "big variety of game modes, tracks and cars" alongside career mode, multiplayer modes, full car customization including performance and deeper cosmetics, support for tournament play, and modding support.

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