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Monster Hunter director joined an online hunt, carted first: 'I feel bad about that'

The team behind Monster Hunter Wilds has shared a new message for fans of the series celebrating the launch of Wilds and the Monster Hunter Series' 21st year. Which in the United States means it can finally drink all the dubiously-alcoholic beverages it has featured through the years alongside its delicious, craving-inducing foods.

To celebrate, there's a nice message on social media from producer Ryozo Tsujimoto, executive director/art director Kaname Fujioka, and director Yuya Tokuda. In it, while all three say they've been playing online, only Tokuda admits that he recently committed the great faux pas of cooperative hunting: Getting knocked out immediately when parachuting in to help another hunter in distress.

"I recently joined a Gore Magala hunt via an SOS flare, only to promptly cart before anyone else," admits Tokuda to a laughing Tsujimoto and Fujioka. "I felt bad about that, but we did manage to clear the hunt!"

"We've been gathering player feedback, including via a number of surveys, and will continue to make adjustments through not only the planned title updates, but in updates released at other times," said Tokuda.

As of yesterday, we now know what's going down with the first of those updates: A nice appearance by bubbly dragon Mizutsune, which will drop on March 25.

For art director Fujioka, specifically, it has been the reaction to the story he has appreciated most.

"It's been great to see the fans get quite emotionally invested in the characters," said Fukioka. "As well as people exploring every nook and cranny of the maps and sharing tips with others."

Ryozo Tsujimoto, the longtime producer of the Monster Hunter series who hosts the video, was recently promoted to head of all game development at Capcom.

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