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Stellar Blade studio says a PC version is coming 'in the near future'

Korean developer Shift Up has now seemingly confirmed that Stellar Blade is coming to PC, saying in its most recent financial report that a PC release is expected soon.

Stellar Blade launched in April 2024 as a PlayStation 5 exclusive, and was quite well received. We didn't review it—that whole PS5 exclusive thing, you know—but GamesRadar called it "a solid 20 to 30 hours of fun," with "stylish and satisfying combat [and] some gorgeous environments," as long as you could put up with some jank and repetition. It also holds an 81 aggregate score on Metacritic, and that's not bad at all.

Shift Up said it was "considering" a PC version of Stellar Blade back in May, and now in August it's apparently decided to go for it. "To continue the excitement of the ‘Stellar Blade’ IP, we are preparing for its release on PC in the near future, and we expect better results on PC than on consoles," the studio said in its Q2 2024 financial report (via Genki_JPN).

The report is Google translated and that always leaves room for inaccuracies or general wonkiness, but in this case it seems definitive: Stellar Blade is coming our way, and soon. The expectation of "better results on PC" is interesting. Shift Up also said in its report that Stellar Blade sold more than one million copies within two months of its PS5 release, but that sales have declined since then, although it's still selling "steadily." Whether the statement means Shift Up thinks Stellar Blade will sell better on PC than it did on PS5 or simply revive flagging sales, isn't clear, but there's clearly interest in the game on our platform of choice and a PC release is bound to generate a meaningful uptick.

The report also touches on Shift Up's next game, currently known as "Project Witches." Unlike Stellar Blade, that one may come to PC right off the hop: "Based on the success of Goddess of Victory: Nike on mobile and PC, and the success of Stellar Blade on consoles, we are planning to release our next game Project Witches as a cross-platform product." Details on Project Witches are expected to be shared publicly sometime in 2025.

I've reached out to Shift Up for confirmation of the planned PC release of Stellar Blade, and will update if I receive a reply.

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