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Where to find every Skyriding Glyph in WoW: The War Within

World of Warcraft's Skyriding Glyphs are collectables, found scattered around the Khaz Algar zones. Seem familiar? That's because they're The War Within's answer to Dragon Glyphs, used to power up your flight during the Dragonflight expansion. This time around though, it seems that they don't contribute anything to your airborne adventures. 

Collecting each of these Skyriding Glyphs in a zone gives you an achievement, and nabbing all of them rewards you with a mount. You'll need to search high and low to grab these glyphs as they're often unreachable without the aid of a mount. With that in mind, here's every WoW Skyriding Glyph location in Khaz Algar, broken down by zone.

Where to find your Skyriding talents 

While Skyriding Glyphs don't have any effect on your Skyriding talents this time around, you might be wondering where to find them: 

  • Open your collections tab—Shift + P by default
  • Look for the Skyriding button at the top of the window
  • Select the first dropdown to open your talent window.

From here, you can see all your Skyriding skills and unlocks, including the new additions for The War Within. 

WoW Skyriding Glyph locations 

Isle of Dorne Skyriding Glyph locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)
  1. Thul Medran: This one is hovering above the highest peak in the zone.
  2. Thunderhead Peak: From the snow-covered mountain, look downwards to the northwest to find the top of a waterfall. The glyph is hovering just back from the edge.
  3. The Three Shields: At the top of the highest peak on the island to the northeast of the mainland.
  4. Mourning Rise: Another glyph that's hard to miss. Find it at the top of the tall rock formation.
  5. Ironwold: Beneath the bridge.
  6. Cinderbrew Meadery: Find this glyph above the highest hill in the area.
  7. Sunken Shield: This one is floating above a large rock pillar to the southeast of the coast.
  8. Dhar Durgaz: South of Freywold Village. Look east from the Watcher of the South statue and you'll see it hovering near a tower just below.
  9. Dhar Oztan: At the top of the highest peak in this area.
  10. Storm's Watch: Beneath the branches of the tree at the top of the structure.

The Ringing Deeps Skyriding Glyph locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)
  1. The Stonevault Exterior: Hovering high above the entrance to the Stonevault dungeon.
  2. Gundargaz: Find this glyph hovering high up, between the huge pipes.
  3. The Lost Mines: Floating high to the northwest of the small pool.
  4. Chittering Den: Look for the big waterfall and you'll find this glyph hovering in the small gap at the top.
  5. The Rumbling Wastes: Another easy-to-spot glyph. It's high up near the roof of the cavern.
  6. The Waterworks: Floating above the top of the waterfall.
  7. Taelloch Mine: Look for the partial bridge-like structure close to the roof of the cavern. You'll find the glyph hovering above one of them.
  8. The Living Grotto: This glyph is hovering among the blue icicles near the top of the cavern.
  9. Abyssal Excavation: Another easy-to-spot glyph floating high in the air.

Hallowfall Skyriding Glyph locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)
  1. Dunelle's Kindness: In the top of the glowing tower.
  2. Sina's Yearning: High in the air, partially hidden behind rock stalactites.
  3. Bleak Sand: Floating above a rock formation.
  4. Velhan's Claim: Beneath the archway of the building.
  5. Priory of the Sacred Flame: Floating above one of the roofs of the large building.
  6. Fortune's Fall: Among the wreckage in the cove.
  7. Mereldar: Hovering above the roof of one of the buildings.
  8. Tenir's Ascent: This one is between the dock and the airship.
  9. Sanguine Grasps: Floating in the air beneath the large rock stalactites.
  10. The Fangs: Go to the area marked on the map and fly up. This glyph is floating above a 

Azj-Kahet Skyriding Glyph locations

(Image credit: Blizzard)
  1. Arathi's End: As you enter Azj-Kahet from Hallowfall, keep to the right side of the cavern and you'll see the glyph high along the wall.
  2. Trickling Abyss: This one is hiding high among some rock stalactites.
  3. Siegehold: Find this glyph really high up, near the roof. You might need to stop to regain vigor on your way up.
  4. Ruptured Lake: Another, incredibly high glyph, though this one will likely require multiple rests on the way up. Look for the tangle of roots around the light green opening in the roof and you'll see the glyph hidden near the edge.
  5. Eye of Ansurek: Inside the top of the tower.
  6. Silken Ward: Floating beneath the circular structure.
  7. Untamed Valley: This glyph is high in the cavern, close to the ceiling.
  8. Rak-Ush: Another straightforward glyph high in the air near the hive structures.
  9. The Maddening Deep: Hovering beneath a web bridge.
  10. Deepwalker Pass: Underneath the small domed roof of a floating circular platform.
  11. Old Sacrificial Pit: High in the air among the rocks, way above the settlement.

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