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Space Marine 2 reveals post-launch plans: 4 seasons of paid cosmetics and free gameplay updates including new maps, weapons, enemies, and a horde mode

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is set to launch on September 9, but developer Saber Interactive has big plans beyond the initial release. The studio shared its "Year One Battle Plan" today—a rundown of four seasons of planned content that will carry the game deep into 2025.

The Space Marine 2 season pass, included with the Gold and Ultra editions of the game, "has been envisioned as a way to enhance your customisation for your character," publisher Focus Entertainment wrote in today's update. "All the gameplay additions listed here in the roadmap (including weapons, game modes, and maps) are intended to arrive in *free game patches* and will be accessible to everyone."

Interestingly, the first season of Space Marine 2 will be focused on player feedback, "quick patches," and the addition of promised features like ultrawide display support (no, Space Marine 2 will not have ultrawide support at launch, which is a bit odd, but it will have Ultramarine support—which I suppose isn't really the same thing, sorry) and private PvE lobbies. That should be a relatively short process, as season two content is expected to start dropping sometime between October and the end of the year. 

Free content in the second season will include a new map, enemy type, and weapon, a harder difficulty level, and "various other improvements," while season pass holders will also get new cosmetics based on the Dark Angels chapter of Space Marines.

Things get a bit vague beyond that: New missions, modes, arenas, weapons, all to be specified at some future date, and more cosmetic packs for season pass holders. Focus has also launched a new "Focus Together" community hub, where players can "chat with our team, share feedback or even suggest new ideas for Space Marine 2."

(Image credit: Saber Interactive)

"The launch is the start of a new chapter for all of us," the team wrote. "We’ll continue to share regular community updates about the wealth of content that will be coming to the game through the rest of this year, and beyond!"

Space Marine 2 didn't make a great impression when we checked it out in 2023, but a nearly year-long delay seems to have done it a lot of good: In a hands-on preview earlier this month, senior editor Robin Valentine said the game "feels even more explosively, grimly, and hilariously authentic" than the original Space Marine: "A slice of pure spectacle and chaotic fun sure to please any Warhammer fan."

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