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Five new Steam games you probably missed (August 26, 2024)

Best of the best

(Image credit: Larian Studios)

2024 games: Upcoming releases
Best PC games: All-time favorites
Free PC games: Freebie fest
Best FPS games: Finest gunplay
Best MMOs: Massive worlds
Best RPGs: Grand adventures

On an average day about a dozen new games are released on Steam. And while we think that's a good thing, it can be understandably hard to keep up with. Potentially exciting gems are sure to be lost in the deluge of new things to play unless you sort through every single game that is released on Steam. So that’s exactly what we’ve done. If nothing catches your fancy this week, we've gathered the best PC games you can play right now and a running list of the 2024 games that are launching this year. 

Liminal Void

Steam ‌page‌ ‌
Release:‌ August 23
Developer:‌ Jeistar

If the ye olde Shin Megami Tensei first-person dungeon crawlers weren't weird enough for you, Liminal Void might pass the test. Set in the Liminal Layer—in other words, a "bridge between reality and the Void"—you'll need to keep climbing (or descending) layers of the liminal dungeon until you can face off against the Void Gods. A lot of preparation is needed to full that feat off: each layer is scattered with sigils which you'll definitely need to go out of your way to collect, lest you want to survive the many and varied liminal entities waiting to kill you. It's a roguelike with a bizarre art style, four playable characters, and 16 different endings. 

Galaxy Burger

Steam‌ ‌page‌ ‌
Release:‌ August 23
Developer:‌ Galactic Workshop

Galaxy Burger is a relaxing game about making burgers for a bunch of space weirdos, including a mecha-cat. Yes, you can probably stick to conventional burger ingredients, but some of your customers will want to be surprised, no doubt testing the limits of what is meant by "burger". When you're not working the counter at your outer space burger joint, you'll be roaming the galaxy looking for appetizing new ingredients. There's even coop for up to eight players, so you'll have someone to chat with while flipping patties. 

Mika and The Witch's Fountain

Steam‌ ‌page‌ ‌
Release:‌ August 21
Developers:‌ Chibig, Nukefist

Mika and the Witch's Mountain adds broom-top flying to the 3D platformer template. Taking inspiration from Kiki's Delivery Service, protagonist Mika needs to deliver packages to the inhabitants of her idyllic island home, but that's not always easy thanks to the very many illogical obstacles strewn all over the place, not to mention the sheer drops into crystalline blue water. This may offer simple pleasures—it's very much of the "cozy" persuasion—but the flying feels great, and more content will be added during the game's Early Access period.

Never Forgotten

Steam‌ ‌page‌ ‌
Release:‌ August 22
Developer:‌ Cody Hodge

Here's a gorgeous pixel art survival horror game with 1-bit graphics that somehow puts me in mind of those utterly indecipherable metal logos. Keeping to the grim theme, Never Forgotten is set in "an abandoned world enveloped in flesh", and while you're encouraged to flee from the disturbing creatures who inhabit this hellscape, occasionally you'll need to fight them in battles that kinda take the form of time-based mini-games. If nothing else, Never Forgotten has a lot of creepy flair.

This Is Not Your House

Steam‌ ‌page‌ ‌
Release:‌ August 24
Developer:‌ Cody Tierson (Trash Eyes)

This is a horror visual novel that feels like something you might find in a box of mysterious Commodore 64 floppy disks buried at the back of a charity store. Protagonist Roger arrives home to find that someone has started living in his house. Do you resort to violence straight off the bat, or try to negotiate? Will either extreme make a difference? I'm not sure myself, but there are ten unique endings, so your choices will definitely have consequences.

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